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British longhair and shorthair chinchilla Exclucive L’Or GG cattery

Bettering the breed

We are a small but trusted Cat Breeder with a passion for British cat in shorthair or longhair type and rarest golden chinchilla shell and shaded, point and solid colours. We breed British Longhair and shorthair golden chinchilla in shell and shaded , point and solid colour and for exceptional quality and ensure we always maintain the highest Fife and WCF standards. To learn more about us or to inquire about available kittens and cats please contact us.

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Our British Cat’s family 

Fife & WCF certificated breeder as Quality Guaranteed

We want to make sure you are completely satisfied by your choice of pet. All of our animals come fully registered and vet certified. They undergo a wellness exam, have all the required vaccinations, and come with a personal medical record booklet.

Home: Available Kittens

Litter N, 03.05.22. Leon of Golden Esperanza BLH ny11& Quincy iz Doma Grishina BRI ny12:  4 shorthair boys 3 ny12 golden shell and one golden shaded boy ny11 and one girl ny12

 Noah ny12, Niamh ny12, Noel ny12, Neal ny11 and Nyla ny12are cute ball of playfulness. They have been introduced to small children and household pets already, and finished potty training. We are a bit sad to say goodbye to any of our kids, but can’t wait to see which great family they will join and make them proud and happy as they did me...Only one baby boy is available for all info please mail me.


Nefertiti longhair golden shaded Litter N 20.07.2022. Leon of Golden Esperanza BLH ny11 & Polyanne BLH a

Nefertiti is gorgeous kitten she has such amazing personality, adores to cuddle and play a lot. Preferable home for her is a pet home.


SOLD ! Noel 03.05.2022. Available baby boy for adoption.

Noel is such a tender baby boy he adores to cuddle he will ask you to pet him and he will always be with you on sofa. 


Noah litter N 03.05.22. show and breed kitten, love to be in arms and to cuddle, sweet and tender personality

⚜️Exclusive L'Or GG ⚜️cattery, registered at FIFE & WCF, opens reservations for litter N 03.05.22. Sire: Leon of Golden Esperanza BLH ny11; Mom: Quincy from Dom Grishin BSH ny12. Top pedigrees best Russian cattery, ancestors of top lines and types. Beautiful appearance of the head, perfect positioned small ears, large eyes and a small nose. British shorthair Chinchilla Black golden shell kittens, Fife pedigree, rare golden shell color currently the only one in Croatia. Parents of a top Russian cat of the best lines, sire long-haired black golden shaded BLH ny11; mom shorthair black golden shell BSH ny12. Kittens are show quality. Direct carriers of the long-haired gene, lilac and choco gene & point. Price from 2,000 - 4,000 Eur for Black golden shell ny12 breed and show quality. If the kitten is for elite pet the price for ny12 black golden shell 2,000 Eur ✨Interested serious buyers can contact us at the email listed below and look for f. page:


SOLD! Niamh adorable cute teddy look litter N 03.05.22.

⚜️ Britanski Golden Kratkodlaki Chinchilla predivan mazilica mačić traži dom ljubimca. Niamh medo Garfild je velika maza i u ponudi je iskljucivo za elite ljubimca. Za sad smo jedino leglo golden BRI shell mačića u Hr. Reducirana cijena za “pet”- ljubimca 1.500 Eur prednost ljubitelju i poznavatelju rijetkih chinchilla goldena. Dostava i primopredaju po dogovoru na području RH!!! Mačić je čipiran te ima dvije rodovnice, obzirom da sam učlanjena u dva Hrvatska felinološka društva. Kupcu ide Ugovor te veterinarska iskaznica, putovnica EU.⚜️Exclusive L’Or GG ⚜️uzgajivačnica, registrirana pri dvije svjetske felinološke asocijacije, FIFE & WCF, otvara rezervacije za leglo N 03.05.22. Otac: Leon of Golden Esperanza BLH ny11; Mama: Quincy iz Doma Grishina BSH ny12. Vrhunski pedigre Ruskih renomiranih uzgajivacnica , preci vrhunskih linija i tipova. Savrsen izgled glave, pravilno raspoređene male uši, velike oci i malen nos.Britanski kratkodlaki Chinchilla Black golden shell mačići, Fife rodovnica, WCF rodovnica, rijetka golden shell boja trenutno jedini u Hrvatskoj. Roditelji vrhunske ruske mačke najboljih linija, otac dugodlaki black golden shaded BLH ny11; mama kratkodlaka black golden shell BSH ny12. Mačići su show/ izložbene kvalitete.( Direktni nositelji dugodlakog gena, lilac te choco gena & pointa.) Cijena od 3.000 Eur do 4.000 Eur za Black golden shell muško mače u ny12 breed or show quality. Ukoliko je mačić isključivo za elite pet ( ljubimac) kratkodlaka golden chinchilla cijena od :2.000 - 2.250 EurCijena uključuje dostavu za bližu lokaciju na području RH, dogovor za blisko susjedne zemalje. Za ostale boje i opcije ( dugodlaki ) napravite  rezervaciju na vrijeme dok je otvorena lista .Cijene nikad nisu fiksne i ovise o leglu odnosno izgledu (svakog ponaosob mačića), tipu, boji te kvaliteti mačića.  Tečaj €/kn: 7,53450
 ✨Zainteresirani ozbiljni kupci mogu da nas kontaktiraju na dolje navedeni mail te potraže na f. stranici :gogirracun@icloud.com⚜️Exclusive L'Or GG ⚜️cattery, registered at FIFE & WCF, opens reservations for litter N 03.05.22. Sire: Leon of Golden Esperanza BLH ny11; Mom: Quincy from Dom Grishin BSH ny12. Top pedigrees best Russian cattery, ancestors of top lines and types. Beautiful appearance of the head, perfect positioned small ears, large eyes and a small nose, .Black golden shell kittens, Fife pedigree, rare golden shell color currently the only one in Croatia. Parents of a top Russian cat of the best lines, sire long-haired black golden shaded BLH ny11; mom shorthair black golden shell BSH ny12. Kittens are show quality. Direct carriers of the long-haired gene, lilac and choco gene & point. Price from 2,000 - 4,000 Eur for Black golden shell ny12 breed and show quality. If the kitten is for elite pet the price for ny12 black golden shell 2,000 Eur ✨Interested serious buyers can contact us at the email listed below and look for f. page:

Our Males

Breeding Perfection

⚜️Leon of Golden Esperanza BLH ny11 

Black Golden shaded BLH

Leon is a perfect example of its breed. He is king of our cattery has great type with big eyes short nose and ears beautifuly positioned on great shaped head also he is tender and sweet daddy not like any others he wants to take care of his babies . Carrier of lilac, point and choco gene.  

Home: Males


Beautiful and Beloved

Quincy is Doma Grishina BSH ny12 

We love all our animals at British longhair and shorthair chinchilla Exclucive L’Or GG cattery, but Quincy BRI ny12 is one of the most beautiful types of this breed we have ever seen. They have a wonderfully cheeky disposition that compliments their cute demeanor perfectly.


Zoey of Golden Esperanza BLH ay1133

Blue shaded golden point, beautiful shaped head small ears big blue eyes and great genes.


Polyanna No Ordinary Love BLH a

Blue longhair cat with gorgeous cheeks and huge amber eyes smallest ears and nose in excellent type. Direct lilac, point and choco gene.


Perla No Ordinary Love BLH c

Big British longhair lilac girl with direct point and choco gene. Great ancestors line.


Nyla Exclusive L’Or GG BSH ny12 adorable tender British Golden Shell Chinchilla

From the minute she was born, Nyla has completely captivated us. Her big eyes great type and adorable personality are win win combination 

Home: Females

About British longhair and shorthair chinchilla Exclucive L’Or GG cattery

An enthusiastic animal lover and Honest and caring Cat Breeder

British longhair and shorthair chinchilla Exclucive L’Or GG cattery is a only cattery of British Longhair & Shorthair and first & only one Cat Breeder with FIFE and WCF certificates and memberships as breeder of exclusive and rare colour in Croatia, EU. We have been involved with this breed since 2020, when what started out as animal lover and owner turned into a fulfilling and life-changing small cattery. Our main priority is ensuring the health and well-being of all our pet cat family  from birth until they leave with their forever family - and beyond. Our goal is ensuring best type and maintenance of good looking British breed gain best and rare golden colours.

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A Bit of Background

The story of the British Shorthair begins two thousand years ago, with the arrival of the Ancient Romans in Britain. To cope with the problem of vermin raiding their stores and spreading disease, both on long sea voyages and when they settled in the British Isles, the Romans brought along some skilful pest control experts: the first domestic cats, acquired from their territories in Egypt.

On arrival in Britain, the Egyptian cats made some new friends: indigenous European wildcats. These European wildcats were very distinct from Egyptian cats. As well as being larger and more muscular than those elegant desert felines, the wildcat’s temperament is markedly different. More solitary, more aggressive and not at all amenable to sharing their habitat with humans, the European wildcat was (and still is) considered impossible to domesticate.

Despite these significant differences, the two species appear to have found some common ground with each other and mated. The wildcats were genetically close enough to their more sociable Egyptian cousins that they could have kittens together. The results of these cross-breedings were hardy shorthaired felines, eager hunters like the wildcat but very sociable and quite happy to live alongside humans. These were the first British domestic cats.

Fast forward to the Victorian era. By the late 1800s, cats had moved from being largely working animals and been brought into many homes as pets rather than simply mousers. Selective breeding for preferred characteristics was gaining popularity among certain sections of the Victorian upper classes. The development of the British Shorthair as we know her today is frequently attributed to Harrison Weir, often considered “the father of the cat fancy”. It’s not precisely clear whether Weir was the one who came up with the idea of creating a pedigree shorthair from the best specimens of the British domestic cat or whether a larger group formulated the idea.

We do know that Weir was charmed by the handsomeness and pleasant disposition of the British Shorthair’s progenitors and did much of the work in pioneering the breed as a real pedigree line. Weir encouraged others to pursue cat breeding and helped to consolidate the earliest iteration of the UK’s cat fancy.

Thanks to Weir and other pioneering breeders, the first ever cat show in Britain was held in 1871. This show took place at the Crystal Palace in London, alongside many other culturally significant events. The British Shorthair shown at the Crystal Palace was the British Blue type, with solid grey fur and deep amber eyes. Alongside the British Shorthair, other breeds were also shown, including Persian cats and the appealing Russian Blue — a cousin of our beloved British Shorthair, with solid blue-grey fur and green eyes..

Various groups of cat fanciers cropped up between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. By 1910, there were three main groups; these came together to form the General Council of the Cat Fancy or GCCF. The GCCF remains the main registry for pedigree cats in the UK. Other councils and associations with similar intent now exist around the globe, ranging from regional bodies to larger international organisations. These bodies allow people to check up on the pedigree of the cats they are buying, as well as helping to promote feline welfare by certifying responsible breeders. The British Shorthair cat is one of the oldest breeds to be recognised by the GCCF, although it took longer for BSH cats to be accepted onto some other registries.

After that triumphant debut at the Crystal Palace, The British Shorthair continued to thrive for many years.People were charmed by the cat’s friendly looks and calm disposition, which makes them the ideal candidate for a house cat. Unfortunately, the breed suffered a serious setback when WWI broke out.

Many animals in the UK at that time were euthanised or simply abandoned due to the fact that their owners could no longer provide for them. Cat breeding was seen as a luxury pursuit, something indulgent and at odds with the austerity of the times. The line dwindled significantly, with numbers falling below levels that would allow for healthy breeding arrangements. Excessive inbreeding was already known to be responsible for serious health concerns and breeders wanted to avoid this. To solve this problem, British Shorthair breeders began to cross their BSH stock with other pedigree lines, particularly Persians.

This caused a lot of problems for the breeders and the GCCF alike since the resulting offspring obviously had Persian characteristics and couldn’t really be called British Shorthairs. The cats’ coats were too long and they had other characteristics that set them apart from the breed standard. Eventually, careful breeding returned the line to its original shorthaired form — just with a somewhat thicker and softer coat.

Something similar happened during and after WWII, with BSH numbers declining even more dramatically than before. Breeders were once again forced to cross their British Shorthairs with Persians and Russian Bluesto keep the lines from becoming hopelessly inbred. This time around, breeders also introduced the French Chartreux into their stock. Although the French Chartreux is not really related to the British Shorthair — the Chartreux is a rare French breed, thought to originate in what is now Syria — this type of cat has a strikingly similar appearance. They’re cobby like the British Shorthair, have rounded paws and a thick coat of grey fur.

As previously, there were many difficulties in registering these cross-bed cats; this was eventually resolved by careful breeding back into the original lines until the breed was once again re-established. The GCCF recognised pedigree British Shorthairs that were sufficiently far removed from their Persian, Russian Blue and Chartreux antecedents. By the 1970s, the BSH breed was solidly re-established and British Shorthairs were recognised internationally; in particular, the American Cat Fancy Association (CFA) began registering British Shorthairs.

Since then, the British Shorthair has gone from strength to strength. These beloved cats are now the most popular pedigree breed in the UK and are appreciated all over the world.

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